Welcome To MyIMPartners Autoresponder

from Dave Mosher in Fort Worth, TX

This site will open soon! We are waiting to fit into the programmer's schedule
to complete installation, and do their testing to make sure everything is working properly.

I'm Giving Away 150 Founder Membership As A BONUS!
See How To Get Your Founder Membership BONUS Below!
Founder Members Do NOT Pay A Monthly Fee!
Once You Are Set As A Founder Member No Other Purchase Required!

Only 138 Left!

A NEW, Robust  Autoresponder Service That Has Been Updated
To All Of The Newest PHP And Gmail Requirements
Affordable To All For Only $14.95/mo

Overview dashboard

Easily view counters about the number of email lists, campaigns, subscribers, email templates but also recent campaigns details and a detailed recent activity report.
AI Assistant

Allow our AI Assistant, a unique integration with OpenAI's ChatGPT, to help you throughout your email marketing journey.
Email lists management

Manage email lists, list subscribers, list segments, custom fields, list forms and list pages.
Campaigns management

Manage regular, autoresponder or recurring campaigns. Create campaign groups or custom campaign tags.
A/B Testing

Create A/B Test campaigns to understand better which variation of your campaign performs better.
Landing pages

Use our drag and drop builder to create awesome landing pages in just a few minutes. Revisions, variations, tracking, predefined pages, all included.
Email lists tools

Need to split a large list into multiple smaller ones? Or sync existing email lists? Use this section for these types of actions.
Email blacklist

This is a customer only email blacklist that applies to each email belonging to the customer, therefore email addresses listed here will never receive any communication.
Suppression lists

Suppression lists can be selected per campaign basis so that the campaign does not send to subscribers in the selected suppression lists. This is complementary to the email blacklist.
Email templates

Create and categorize as many email templates as you need. Or use one of the many made available by system administrators.
Multiple builders

Select the drag and drop email template builder that works best for you. Choose from Basic, GrapesJS, Stripo and many others.
Email box monitors

System administrators can allow customers to add their own email box monitors and decide how many they are allowed to add. Then customers can manage them from here.
Tracking domains

System administrators can allow customers to add their own tracking domains and decide how many they are allowed to add. Then customers can manage them from here.
Surveys overview

System administrators can allow customers to add their own surveys and decide how many they are allowed to add. Then customers can manage them from here.

Send Better Mail

Whether you need to sell your products, share some big news, or tell a story, our email template builder makes it easy to create an email marketing campaign that best suit your target audience.

See how you're doing

MyIMPartners reports show you how well you're connecting with your audience. You get detailed reports for opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces, complains and much more, all shown in a simple and clear way.

How Do I Get My Founder Membership Bonus?

Purchase Login Offer #1 One-Time At

As a pre-launch promotion, I'm going to give 150 Founder Membership away as a BONUS when you purchase Login Offer #1 at MasterSafelistBlaster! There's no upgrade required to purchase Login Offer #1 at MasterSafelistBlaster!

Normally, Login Offer #1 at MasterSafelistBlaster gives you 12 Solo Ads, 12 Banner Ads, 12 Button Ads, and 12 Text Ads that go out to 315 Safelists, with a combined membship of 548,160+ members for $99.95. However, during this promotion, we've doubled that to 24 Solo Ads, 24 Banner Ads, 24 Button Ads, and 24 Text Links...all for just $99.95.

24 Solo Ads to 315 Sites (548,160+ combined Members) x $10.00 each = $240.00 Value
24 Banner Ads to 315 Sites (548,160+ combined Members) x $5.00 each = $120.00 Value
24 Button Ads to 315 Sites (548,160+ combined Members) x $10.00 each = $120.00 Value
24 Text Links to 315 Sites (548,160+ combined Members) x $10.00 each = $120.00 Value

That's A $600.00 Retail Value in Advertising
For ONLY $99.95!

MasterSafelistBlaster allows you to submit your ads to ALL 315 Safelists with just 1 click! You don't even have to be a member of these safelists! While it could take you over 24-hours to log into each of the 315 safelists and submit 1 ad, MasterSafelistBlaster allows you to do it in just a few minutes. This saves you a TON of time, and money!

After making your Login Offer #1 Purchase for $99.95 just one time, submit a Support Ticket with your Username at MasterSafelistBlaster, the date you purchased Login Offer #1, and I will put you on the reservation list to receive a BONUS Founder Membership at MyIMPartners absolutely FREE! No subscription, no additional purchase necessary. But this Founder Membership BONUS is ONLY available to the first 150 members that purcahse Login Offer #1 for $99.95 at MasterSafelistBlaster!

Visit MasterSafelistBlaster By Clicking The Banner Below!

After Purchasing Login Offer #1 At MasterSafelistBlaster
Submit A Support Ticket Below:

Support Ticket

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I import my leads into my MyIMPartners Autoresonder?

A: NO! MyIMPartners will be moved over to a Dedicated Server where, MyIMPartners is the ONLY website hosted on that server. Based on the NEW February 2024 Gmail Rules, we need to make sure that ALL Email Subscribers are 100% Organic, and Confirmed Opt-in/Double-Opt-in! Which means your subscribers MUST click a Verification Link to activate their subscription before they can start receiving your follow-up email messages.

As MyIMParterns is a Brand New Autoresponder System, we also need to make sure we are slowly sending out follow-up emails while the domain slowly gains trust from Gmail without getting throttled, or blacklisted for increasing the amounts of mail we send out while building our "send" reputation.

Q: Will there be an Affiliate Program where I can refer new members to earn a Monthly Residual from my referral's Monthly Subscriptions?

A: In the very beginning, the answer is NO! However, we will be seeking out a qualified programmer to create an Affiliate Mod to add to MyIMPartners as quickly as possible. We will get an Affiliate Program added as quickly as possible!

We will have MORE FAQ's moving forward after we get the, "green light," from the programmers that everything is online, and functioning the way it is supposed to. There are some additional, "add-ons," that they make availble for an additional fee, which we will be adding at least 3 of those options to make MyIMPartners even better.